西维蜀黍的 OJ Blog

🐒 Software engineer | 📷 Photographer | 👹 Urban explorer

[Interview] Transactional Key Value Store

Squarepoint Capital interview Description Part 1: Create a class for a simple key-value store which supports the following methods: set(key, value) - add a new entry to the key-value store, or update it if it’s already there get(key) - get the value for the given key. Raise a KeyError if the key is not there delete(key) - delete the entry. Raise a KeyError if the key is not there Example:   ...

[Topic] Anagrams

解析 49. Group Anagrams # hashmap + sorting - myself # - time: O (N * max_char log max_char) # - space: O (n) def groupAnagrams (self, strs): m = {} for str in strs: sortedStr = "".join (sorted (str)) if sortedStr in m: m [sortedStr].append (str) else: m [sortedStr] = [str] return m.values () # hashmap - myself # - time: O (n * max_char) # - space: O (n) def groupAnagrams (self, strs: List [str]) -> List [List [str]]: m = {}   ...

[Topic] BFS (Breadth-first Search)

BFS (Breadth-first Search) BFS 的核心思想应该不难理解的,就是把一些问题抽象成图,从一个点开始,向四周开始扩散。一般来说,我们写 BFS 算法都是用「队列」这种数据结构,每   ...

[Topic] Palindrome

A string is palindromic if it reads the same forward and backward. Palindrome 问题通常都可以用双指针 需要分别考虑奇数长度和偶数长度的情况 解析 5. Longest Palindromic Substring 有 palindromic sub-str 包含奇数和偶数长度   ...

[Topic] Prefix Sum

题目 238. Product of Array Except Self 209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum 解析 238. Product of Array Except Self 用 hashmap 记下乘积,先从左到右循环,再从右到左循环 # Approach 1 - more elegent def productExceptSelf (self, nums: List [int]) -> List [int]: res = [1] * len (nums) for idx in range (1,   ...