



# install
sudo apt install clickhouse-server clickhouse-client

sudo service clickhouse-server start
sudo service clickhouse-server status

# connect
# 1. Download the binary
curl https://clickhouse.com/ | sh

# 3. Start the client
# Use the clickhouse-client to connect to your ClickHouse service. Open a new Terminal, change directories to where your clickhouse binary is saved, and run the following command:
./clickhouse client --host
# You should see a smiling face as it connects to your service running on localhost:
my-host :)

What Is ClickHouse?

ClickHouse® is a high-performance, column-oriented SQL database management system (DBMS) for online analytical processing (OLAP).




InfluxDB 2.7 is the platform purpose-built to collect, store, process and visualize time series data. Time series data is a sequence of data points indexed in time order. Data points typically consist of successive measurements made from the same source and are used to track changes over time. Examples of time series data include:

  • Industrial sensor data
  • Server performance metrics
  • Heartbeats per minute
  • Electrical activity in the brain
  • Rainfall measurements
  • Stock prices

【Distributed System】消息队列 - 延时队列(Delay Queues)

延时队列(Delay Queues)

Delay queues let you postpone the delivery of new messages to consumers for a number of seconds, for example, when your consumer application needs additional time to process messages. If you create a delay queue, any messages that you send to the queue remain invisible to consumers for the duration of the delay period.


【VMware】软路由在 ESXi 中安装 OpenWrt



【Linux】sshd 配置文件(ssh/sshd_config)

sshd 的配置文件位于 /etc/ssh/sshd_config,这是 OpenSSH 服务器的主配置文件,用于控制 SSH 服务器的行为。




设置 SSH 服务器监听的端口。默认是 22,但可以更改为其他非标准端口以增加安全性。
