【Data Format】Data Serialization/Encoding Format

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2021-08-16, Last Modified on 2022-12-10


Old and new versions of the code, and old and new data formats, may potentially all coexist in the system at the same time. In order for the system to continue running smoothly, we need to maintain compatibility in both directions:

  • Backward compatibility: Newer code can read data that was written by older code.
  • Forward compatibility: Older code can read data that was written by newer code.

Backward compatibility is normally not hard to achieve: as author of the newer code, you know the format of data written by older code, and so you can explicitly handle it (if necessary by simply keeping the old code to read the old data). Forward compatibility can be trickier, because it requires older code to ignore additions made by a newer version of the code.

Formats for Encoding Data

Programs usually work with data in (at least) two different representations:

  1. In memory, data is kept in objects, structs, lists, arrays, hash tables, trees, and so on. These data structures are optimized for efficient access and manipulation by the CPU (typically using pointers).

  2. When you want to write data to a file or send it over the network, you have to encode it as some kind of self-contained sequence of bytes (for example, a JSON document). Since a pointer wouldn’t make sense to any other process, this sequence-of-bytes representation looks quite different from the data structures that are normally used in memory.

Language-Specific Formats

Many programming languages come with built-in support for encoding in-memory objects into byte sequences. For example, Java has java.io.Serializable [1], Ruby has Marshal [2], Python has pickle [3], and so on. Many third-party libraries also exist, such as Kryo for Java [4].

These encoding libraries are very convenient, because they allow in-memory objects to be saved and restored with minimal additional code. However, they also have a number of deep problems:

  1. The encoding is often tied to a particular programming language, and reading the data in another language is very difficult. If you store or transmit data in such an encoding, you are committing yourself to your current programming language for potentially a very long time, and precluding integrating your systems with those of other organizations (which may use different languages).
  2. In order to restore data in the same object types, the decoding process needs to be able to instantiate arbitrary classes. This is frequently a source of security problems [5]: if an attacker can get your application to decode an arbitrary byte sequence, they can instantiate arbitrary classes, which in turn often allows them to do terrible things such as remotely executing arbitrary code
  3. Versioning data is often an afterthought in these libraries: as they are intended for quick and easy encoding of data, they often neglect the inconvenient problems of forward and backward compatibility.
  4. Efficiency (CPU time taken to encode or decode, and the size of the encoded structure) is also often an afterthought. For example, Java’s built-in serialization is notorious for its bad performance and bloated encoding

For these reasons it’s generally a bad idea to use your language’s built-in encoding for anything other than very transient purposes.


Moving to standardized encodings that can be written and read by many programming languages, JSON and XML are the obvious contenders. They are widely known, widely supported, and almost as widely disliked. XML is often criticized for being too verbose and unnecessarily complicated [9]. JSON’s popularity is mainly due to its built-in support in web browsers (by virtue of being a subset of JavaScript) and simplicity relative to XML. CSV is another popular language-independent format, albeit less powerful.

JSON, XML, and CSV are textual formats, and thus somewhat human-readable (although the syntax is a popular topic of debate). Besides the superficial syntactic issues, they also have some subtle problems:

  1. There is a lot of ambiguity around the encoding of numbers. In XML and CSV, you cannot distinguish between a number and a string that happens to consist of digits (except by referring to an external schema). JSON distinguishes strings and numbers, but it doesn’t distinguish integers and floating-point numbers, and it doesn’t specify a precision.

    This is a problem when dealing with large numbers; for example, integers greater than 2 53 cannot be exactly represented in an IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point number, so such numbers become inaccurate when parsed in a language that uses floating-point numbers (such as JavaScript). An example of numbers larger than 2 53 occurs on Twitter, which uses a 64-bit number to identify each tweet. The JSON returned by Twitter’s API includes tweet IDs twice, once as a JSON number and once as a decimal string, to work around the fact that the numbers are not correctly parsed by JavaScript applications [10].

  2. JSON and XML have good support for Unicode character strings (i.e., human-readable text), but they don’t support binary strings (sequences of bytes without a character encoding). Binary strings are a useful feature, so people get around this limitation by encoding the binary data as text using Base64. The schema is then used to indicate that the value should be interpreted as Base64-encoded. This works, but it’s somewhat hacky and increases the data size by 33%.

  3. There is optional schema support for both XML [11] and JSON [12]. These schema languages are quite powerful, and thus quite complicated to learn and implement. Use of XML schemas is fairly widespread, but many JSON-based tools don’t bother using schemas. Since the correct interpretation of data (such as numbers and binary strings) depends on information in the schema, applications that don’t use XML/JSON schemas need to potentially hardcode the appropriate encoding/decoding logic instead.

  4. CSV does not have any schema, so it is up to the application to define the meaning of each row and column. If an application change adds a new row or column, you have to handle that change manually. CSV is also a quite vague format (what happens if a value contains a comma or a newline character?). Although its escaping rules have been formally specified [13], not all parsers implement them correctly.

Despite these flaws, JSON, XML, and CSV are good enough for many purposes. It’s likely that they will remain popular, especially as data interchange formats (i.e., for sending data from one organization to another). In these situations, as long as people agree on what the format is, it often doesn’t matter how pretty or efficient the format is. The difficulty of getting different organizations to agree on anything outweighs most other concerns.


JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and arrays (or other serializable values).

It is a common data format with a diverse range of functionality in data interchange including communication of web applications with servers.

JSON is a language-independent data format. It was derived from JavaScript, but many modern programming languages include code to generate and parse JSON-format data. JSON filenames use the extension .json.

JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.



  • based on XML

SOAP (formerly an acronym for Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services in computer networks.

It uses XML Information Set for its message format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), although some legacy systems communicate over Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and transmission.


XML-RPC is a remote procedure call (RPC) protocol which uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a transport mechanism.

  • 基于 HTTP
  • 请求被编码为 XML
  • 服务端处理过程
    • 读取并解析 XML
    • 执行调用方法
    • 将执行结果存入 XML
    • 返回XML结果给客户端


YAML is a human-readable data-serialization language.

It is commonly used for configuration files and in applications where data is being stored or transmitted. YAML targets many of the same communications applications as Extensible Markup Language (XML) but has a minimal syntax which intentionally differs from SGML.

It uses both Python-style indentation to indicate nesting, and a more compact format that uses […] for lists and {…} for maps thus JSON files are valid YAML 1.2.


Binary Variants

For data that is used only internally within your organization, there is less pressure to use a lowest-common-denominator encoding format. For example, you could choose a format that is more compact or faster to parse. For a small dataset, the gains are negligible, but once you get into the terabytes, the choice of data format can have a big impact.

JSON is less verbose than XML, but both still use a lot of space compared to binary formats. This observation led to the development of a profusion of binary encodings for JSON (MessagePack, BSON, BJSON, UBJSON, BISON, and Smile, to name a few) and for XML (WBXML and Fast Infoset, for example). These formats have been adopted in various niches, but none of them are as widely adopted as the textual versions of JSON and XML.

Some of these formats extend the set of datatypes (e.g., distinguishing integers and floating-point numbers, or adding support for binary strings), but otherwise they keep the JSON/XML data model unchanged. In particular, since they don’t prescribe a schema, they need to include all the object field names within the encoded data.

Apache Thrift and Protocol Buffers (protobuf) are binary encoding libraries that are based on the same principle. Protocol Buffers was originally developed at Google, Thrift was originally developed at Facebook, and both were made open source in 2007–08 .

Both Thrift and Protocol Buffers require a schema for any data that is encoded. T


Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) is a free and open source cross-platform library used to serialize structured data. It is useful in developing programs to communicate with each other over a network or for storing data.

The method involves an interface description language that describes the structure of some data and a program that generates source code from that description for generating or parsing a stream of bytes that represents the structured data.

Apache Thrift

Thrift is an interface definition language and binary communication protocol used for defining and creating services for numerous programming languages.

It forms a remote procedure call (RPC) framework and was developed at Facebook for “scalable cross-language services development”.

Creating a Thrift service

Thrift is written in C++, but can create code for a number of languages. To create a Thrift service, one has to write Thrift files that describe it, generate the code in the destination language, write some code to start the server, and call it from the client. Here is a code example of such a description file:

enum PhoneType {

struct Phone {
  1: i32 id,
  2: string number,
  3: PhoneType type

service PhoneService {
  Phone findById(1: i32 id),
  list<Phone> findAll()

Thrift will generate the code out of this descriptive information. For instance, in Java, the PhoneType will be a simple enum inside the Phone class.


Apache Avro is another binary encoding format that is interestingly different from Protocol Buffers and Thrift. It was started in 2009 as a subproject of Hadoop, as a result of Thrift not being a good fit for Hadoop’s use cases.

Avro also uses a schema to specify the structure of the data being encoded. It has two schema languages: one (Avro IDL) intended for human editing, and one (based on JSON) that is more easily machine-readable.

Compatibility with Schema Evolution

Schema Evolution

We said previously that schemas inevitably need to change over time. We call this schema evolution. How do Thrift and Protocol Buffers handle schema changes while keeping backward and forward compatibility?

forward compatibility

As you can see from the examples, an encoded record is just the concatenation of its encoded fields. Each field is identified by its tag number (the numbers 1, 2, 3 in the sample schemas) and annotated with a datatype (e.g., string or integer). If a field value is not set, it is simply omitted from the encoded record. From this you can see that field tags are critical to the meaning of the encoded data. You can change the name of a field in the schema, since the encoded data never refers to field names, but you cannot change a field’s tag, since that would make all existing encoded data invalid.

You can add new fields to the schema, provided that you give each field a new tag number. If old code (which doesn’t know about the new tag numbers you added) tries to read data written by new code, including a new field with a tag number it doesn’t recognize, it can simply ignore that field. The datatype annotation allows the parser to determine how many bytes it needs to skip. This maintains forward com‐patibility: old code can read records that were written by new code.

backward compatibility

What about backward compatibility? As long as each field has a unique tag number, new code can always read old data, because the tag numbers still have the same meaning. The only detail is that if you add a new field, you cannot make it required. If you were to add a field and make it required, that check would fail if new code read data written by old code, because the old code will not have written the new field that you added. Therefore, to maintain backward compatibility, every field you add after the initial deployment of the schema must be optional or have a default value.

Removing a field is just like adding a field, with backward and forward compatibility concerns reversed. That means you can only remove a field that is optional (a required field can never be removed), and you can never use the same tag number again (because you may still have data written somewhere that includes the old tag number, and that field must be ignored by new code).

Datatypes and schema evolution

What about changing the datatype of a field? That may be possible—check the documentation for details—but there is a risk that values will lose precision or get trunca‐ted. For example, say you change a 32-bit integer into a 64-bit integer. New code can easily read data written by old code, because the parser can fill in any missing bits with zeros. However, if old code reads data written by new code, the old code is still using a 32-bit variable to hold the value. If the decoded 64-bit value won’t fit in 32 bits, it will be truncated.


So, we can see that although textual data formats such as JSON, XML, and CSV are widespread, binary encodings based on schemas are also a viable option. They have a number of nice properties:

  1. They can be much more compact than the various “binary JSON” variants, since they can omit field names from the encoded data.
  2. The schema is a valuable form of documentation, and because the schema is required for decoding, you can be sure that it is up to date (whereas manually maintained documentation may easily diverge from reality).
  3. Keeping a database of schemas allows you to check forward and backward compatibility of schema changes, before anything is deployed.
  4. For users of statically typed programming languages, the ability to generate code from the schema is useful, since it enables type checking at compile time.

In summary, schema evolution allows the same kind of flexibility as schemaless/ schema-on-read JSON databases provide, while also providing better guarantees about your data and better tooling.
