【Database】索引 - B 树和 B+ 树

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2019-06-10, Last Modified on 2023-03-27


  • Binary tree:二叉树(Binary tree),每个节点只能存储一个key
  • B-tree:B树(B-Tree,并不是B“减”树,横杠为连接符,容易被误导)
    • B树属于多叉树,同时也属于平衡多路查找树。每个节点可以包含多个key(包含多少个由磁盘的页的大小决定)。
    • B+tree(B+树)B*tree(B*树) 都是 B-tree 的变种

B 树(B-tree)

从图中可以看出,B-tree 利用了磁盘块/页的特性进行构建的树。每个磁盘块/页的大小正好等于B树的一个节点的大小,每个节点包含了键(key)和值(value)。



B-tree巧妙利用了磁盘预读原理,将一个节点的大小设为等于一个页,这样每个节点只需要一次I/O就可以完全载入,B-tree 的数据可以存在任何节点中。

One page is designated as the root of the B-tree; whenever you want to look up a key in the index, you start here. The page contains several keys and references to child pages. Each child is responsible for a continuous range of keys, and the keys between the references indicate where the boundaries between those ranges lie.

In the example in below, we are looking for the key 251, so we know that we need to follow the page reference between the boundaries 200 and 300. That takes us to a similar-looking page that further breaks down the 200–300 range into subranges.

Eventually we get down to a page containing individual keys (a leaf page), which either contains the value for each key inline or contains references to the pages where the values can be found.

The number of references to child pages in one page of the B-tree is called the branching factor. For example, in the example below the branching factor is six. In practice, the branching factor depends on the amount of space required to store the page references and the range boundaries, but typically it is several hundred.

If you want to update the value for an existing key in a B-tree, you search for the leaf page containing that key, change the value in that page, and write the page back to disk (any references to that page remain valid). If you want to add a new key, you need to find the page whose range encompasses the new key and add it to that page. If there isn’t enough free space in the page to accommodate the new key, it is split into two half-full pages, and the parent page is updated to account for the new subdivision of key ranges—see below.

This algorithm ensures that the tree remains balanced: a B-tree with n keys always has a depth of O(log n). Most databases can fit into a B-tree that is three or four levels deep, so you don’t need to follow many page references to find the page you are looking for. (A four-level tree of 4 KB pages with a branching factor of 500 can store up to 256 TB.)

B+ 树(B+ tree)

B+ 树(B+ tree)是 B-tree 的变种,两者的区别在于,B+ 树的数据(或者说键值的值)只能存储在叶子节点中。







红黑树等平衡树也可以用来实现索引,但是文件系统及数据库系统普遍采用 B+ Tree 作为索引结构,主要有以下两个原因:

1 更少的I/O操作次数

平衡树查找操作的时间复杂度和树高 h 相关,O(h)=O(logdN),其中 d 为每个节点的出度。

红黑树的出度为 2,而 B+ Tree 的出度一般都非常大,所以红黑树的树高 h 很明显比 B+ Tree 大非常多,I/O操作次数也就更多。



从抽象角度看,主存是一系列的存储单元组成的矩阵,每个存储单元存储固定大小的数据。每个存储单元有唯一的地址,现代主存的编址规则比较复杂,这里将其简化成一个二维地址:通过一个行地址和一个列地址可以唯一定位到一个存储单元。上图展示了一个4 x 4的主存模型。








一个磁盘由大小相同且同轴的圆形盘片组成,磁盘可以转动(各个磁盘必须同步转动)。在磁盘的一侧有磁头支架,磁头支架固定了一组磁头(disk head),每个磁头负责存取一个磁盘的内容。磁头不能转动,但是可以沿磁盘半径方向运动(实际是斜切向运动),每个磁头同一时刻也必须是同轴的,即从正上方向下看,所有磁头任何时候都是重叠的(不过目前已经有多磁头独立技术,可不受此限制)。



当需要从磁盘读取数据时,系统会将数据逻辑地址传给磁盘,磁盘的控制电路按照寻址逻辑将逻辑地址翻译成物理地址,即确定要读的数据在哪个磁道,哪个扇区。为了读取这个扇区的数据,需要将磁头放到这个扇区上方,为了实现这一点,磁头需要移动对准相应磁道,这个过程叫做寻道(Seek),所耗费时间叫做寻道时间(seek time),然后磁盘旋转将目标扇区旋转到磁头下,这个过程耗费的时间叫做旋转时间。










  • 每次新建节点时,直接申请一个页的空间,这样就保证一个节点物理上就存储在一个页里,加之计算机存储分配都是按页对齐的,就实现了读取一个节点只需要进行一次I/O。
  • B树中一次检索最多需要进行h-1次I/O(根节点常驻内存,h为树的高度),渐进复杂度为O(h)=O(logdN)。一般实际应用中,树的度d是一个非常大的数字,通常超过100,因此h非常小(通常不超过3)。




dmax=floor(pagesize/(keysize+datasize+pointsize)) floor表示向下取整。由于B+树的内节点均去掉了data域,因此可以拥有更大的度,拥有更好的性能。

Making B-trees reliable

The basic underlying write operation of a B-tree is to overwrite a page on disk with new data. It is assumed that the overwrite does not change the location of the page; i.e., all references to that page remain intact when the page is overwritten. This is in stark contrast to log-structured indexes such as LSM-trees, which only append to files (and eventually delete obsolete files) but never modify files in place.

You can think of overwriting a page on disk as an actual hardware operation. On a magnetic hard drive, this means moving the disk head to the right place, waiting for the right position on the spinning platter to come around, and then overwriting the appropriate sector with new data. On SSDs, what happens is somewhat more compli‐cated, due to the fact that an SSD must erase and rewrite fairly large blocks of a storage chip at a time.

Moreover, some operations require several different pages to be overwritten. For example, if you split a page because an insertion caused it to be overfull, you need to write the two pages that were split, and also overwrite their parent page to update the references to the two child pages. This is a dangerous operation, because if the database crashes after only some of the pages have been written, you end up with a corrupted index (e.g., there may be an orphan page that is not a child of any parent).

In order to make the database resilient to crashes, it is common for B-tree implementations to include an additional data structure on disk: a write-ahead log (WAL, also known as a redo log). This is an append-only file to which every B-tree modification must be written before it can be applied to the pages of the tree itself. When the database comes back up after a crash, this log is used to restore the B-tree back to a consistent state.

An additional complication of updating pages in place is that careful concurrency control is required if multiple threads are going to access the B-tree at the same time —otherwise a thread may see the tree in an inconsistent state. This is typically done by protecting the tree’s data structures with latches (lightweight locks). Log-structured approaches are simpler in this regard, because they do all the merging in the background without interfering with incoming queries and atomically swap old segments for new segments from time to time.

B-tree optimizations

As B-trees have been around for so long, it’s not surprising that many optimizations have been developed over the years. To mention just a few:

  • Instead of overwriting pages and maintaining a WAL for crash recovery, some databases (like LMDB) use a copy-on-write scheme. A modified page is written to a different location, and a new version of the parent pages in the tree is created, pointing at the new location. This approach is also useful for concurrency control,
  • We can save space in pages by not storing the entire key, but abbreviating it. Especially in pages on the interior of the tree, keys only need to provide enough information to act as boundaries between key ranges. Packing more keys into a page allows the tree to have a higher branching factor, and thus fewer levels.
  • In general, pages can be positioned anywhere on disk; there is nothing requiring pages with nearby key ranges to be nearby on disk. If a query needs to scan over a large part of the key range in sorted order, that page-by-page layout can be inefficient, because a disk seek may be required for every page that is read. Many B-tree implementations therefore try to lay out the tree so that leaf pages appear in sequential order on disk. However, it’s difficult to maintain that order as the tree grows. By contrast, since LSM-trees rewrite large segments of the storage in one go during merging, it’s easier for them to keep sequential keys close to each other on disk.
  • Additional pointers have been added to the tree. For example, each leaf page may have references to its sibling pages to the left and right, which allows scanning keys in order without jumping back to parent pages.
  • B-tree variants such as fractal trees borrow some log-structured ideas to reduce disk seeks (and they have nothing to do with fractals).





这里设表一共有三列,假设我们以Col1为主键,则上图是一个MyISAM表的主索引(Primary Index)示意。可以看出MyISAM的索引文件仅仅保存数据记录的地址

在MyISAM中,主索引和**辅助索引(Secondary Index)**在结构上没有任何区别,只是主索引要求key是唯一的,而辅助索引的key可以重复。如果我们在Col2上建立一个辅助索引,则此索引的结构如下图所示:


MyISAM的索引方式也叫做**“非聚集”的(非聚集索引,Non-clustered Index),之所以这么称呼是为了与InnoDB的聚集索引(Clustered Index)**区分。



第一个重大区别是InnoDB的数据文件本身就是索引文件。从上文知道,MyISAM索引文件和数据文件是分离的,索引文件仅保存数据记录的地址。而在InnoDB中,表数据文件本身就是按B+Tree组织的一个索引结构,这棵树的叶节点data域保存了完整的数据记录。这个索引的key是数据表的主键,因此InnoDB表数据文件本身就是主索引(Primary Index)

上图是InnoDB主索引(同时也是数据文件)的示意图,可以看到叶节点包含了完整的数据记录。这种索引叫做聚集索引(clustered index)


这其实解释了中InnoDB为engine 的表,非常建议创建一个auto increment 的primary key,而不是只设置包含unique属性的column(or),比如 promo_usage_tab

Field Type Key / Index Description
order_id bigint(20) NOT NULL unique
promo_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL
user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL
shop_id bigint(20) NOT NULL

因为 order_id 并不是连续的(显然因为不是每一个order都享受了promotion),



