【Distributed System】分布式事务 - 两阶段提交协议(Two-phase Commit Protocol)

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2019-01-09, Last Modified on 2023-03-29

The two-phase commit (2PC) protocol should not be confused with the two-phase locking (2PL) protocol, a concurrency control protocol.

两阶段提交协议(Two-phase Commit Protocol,2PC)

In transaction processing, databases, and computer networking, the two-phase commit protocol (2PC) is a type of atomic commitment protocol (ACP). It is a distributed algorithm that coordinates all the processes that participate in a distributed atomic transaction on whether to commit or abort (roll back) the transaction (it is a specialized type of consensus protocol). The protocol achieves its goal even in many cases of temporary system failure (involving either process, network node, communication, etc. failures), and is thus widely used.

However, it is not resilient to all possible failure configurations, and in rare cases, manual intervention is needed to remedy an outcome. To accommodate recovery from failure (automatic in most cases) the protocol’s participants use logging of the protocol’s states. Log records, which are typically slow to generate but survive failures, are used by the protocol’s recovery procedures. Many protocol variants exist that primarily differ in logging strategies and recovery mechanisms. Though usually intended to be used infrequently, recovery procedures compose a substantial portion of the protocol, due to many possible failure scenarios to be considered and supported by the protocol.

In a “normal execution” of any single distributed transaction (i.e., when no failure occurs, which is typically the most frequent situation), the protocol consists of two phases:

  1. The prepare phase (or voting phase), in which a coordinator process attempts to prepare all the transaction’s participating processes (named participants, cohorts, or workers) to take the necessary steps for either committing or aborting the transaction and to vote,
    • either “Yes”: commit (if the transaction participant’s local portion execution has ended properly),
    • or “No”: abort (if a problem has been detected with the local portion), and
  2. The commit phase, in which, based on voting of the participants, the coordinator decides whether to commit (only if all have voted “Yes”) or abort the transaction (otherwise), and notifies the result to all the participants. The participants then follow with the needed actions (commit or abort) with their local transactional resources (also called recoverable resources; e.g., database data) and their respective portions in the transaction’s other output (if applicable).


两阶段提交包含事务协调者(Transaction Coordinator)和若干事务参与者 (Transaction Participant)两种角色。

这里的事务参与者就是具体的数据库,抽象点可以说是可以控制给数据库的程序。 事务协调者可以和事务参与者 在一台机器上。

Prepare (or voting) Phase

在这一阶段,coordinator 通过向所有 participant 发送 prepare request 以询问所有 participant 是否准备好提交,此后:

  • 如果某个 participant 在执行本地的事务的过程中没有出现异常,则向 coordinator 回复一条 agreement 消息(其中标识了 Prepared);
  • 如果某个 participant 在执行本地事务的过程中出现了异常,则回复一条 agreement 消息(其中标识了 Abort)。

Commit (or completion) Phase

如果 coordinator 在上一阶段收到所有 participant 回复(的 agreement 消息中)的 Prepared,则向所有 participant 发送 commit request ,否则 coordinator 会向所有 participant 发送 abort request

coordinator 向所有 participant 发送 commit request

  • 如 participant 收到了 commit 命令,其会释放本地事务过程中持有的锁和其他资源,并将事务在本地提交(持久化一条 commit 日志)。然后向 coordinator 发送 acknowledgement 命令以标志操作成功;
  • 最终,如果 coordinator 收到了所有 participant 回复的 acknowledgement 消息,coordinator 完成该事务,并向客户端返回事务成功消息。

coordinator 向所有 participant 发送 abort request

  • 在 Voting phase 中,若任何一个 participant 回复 No 或超时未应答,coordinator 会先在本地持久化事务状态,并向所有 participant 发送 rollback 命令;
  • participant 收到 rollback 命令后,会回滚事务(有必要的情况下还要持久化一条 abort 日志),并释放本地资源和锁。最终,向 coordinator 发送 acknowledgement 消息以表示 rollback 成功;
  • 当 coordinator 收到所有 participant 回复的 acknowledgement 消息后,coordinator 取消该事务,并向客户端返回事务失败消息。


支付宝 + 余额宝

我们设想从支付宝里转 10000 元到余额宝的场景……

  1. 首先我们的应用程序发起一个请求到 coordinator 者,然后由 coordinator 来保证分布式事务。
  2. Vote Phase
    1. coordinator 先将 prepare 消息写到本地日志。
    2. 向所有的 participant 发起 prepare 消息。以支付宝转账到余额宝为例,协调器给 participant A 的 prepare 消息,是通知支付宝数据库相应账目扣款 10000,coordinator 给 participant B 的 prepare 消息是通知余额宝数据库相应账目增加 10000。
    3. participant 收到 prepare 消息后,执行本机事务,如果本地事务成功则向 coordinator 返回 Yes ,不成功则返回 No 。类似的,在返回前 participant 会将操作写入本地日志。
  3. Commit Phase:coordinator 这时已经获得了所有 participant 返回的消息,
    1. 如果所有 participant 都返回 Yes ,coordinator 会给所有 participant 发送 commit 消息,participant 收到 commit 后,将执行本地事务的 commit 操作(在执行后写入本地日志),并返回 acknowledgement 消息给 coordinator
    2. 如果有任一个 participant 返回 No ,coordinator 会给所有 participant 发送 rollback 消息,participant 收到 rollback 消息后执行本地事务的 rollback 操作(在执行后写入本地日志),并返回 acknowledgement 消息给 coordinator。
    3. coordinator 将操作写入本地日志,并最终返回结果给客户端。


The protocol works in the following manner: one node is a designated coordinator, which is the master site, and the rest of the nodes in the network are designated the participants. The protocol assumes that there is stable storage at each node with a write-ahead log, that no node crashes forever, that the data in the write-ahead log is never lost or corrupted in a crash, and that any two nodes can communicate with each other. The last assumption is not too restrictive, as network communication can typically be rerouted. The first two assumptions are much stronger; if a node is totally destroyed then data can be lost.

The protocol is initiated by the coordinator after the last step of the transaction has been reached. The participants then respond with an agreement message or an abort message depending on whether the transaction has been processed successfully at the participant.

Failure Handling

Two-phase commit protocol heavily relies on the coordinator node to communicate the outcome of the transaction. Until the outcome of the transaction is known, the individual cluster nodes cannot allow any other transactions to write to the keys participating in the pending transaction. The cluster nodes block until the outcome of the transaction is known. This puts some critical requirements on the coordinator

The coordinator needs to remember the state of the transactions even in case of a process crash.

Coordinator uses Write-Ahead Log to record every update to the state of the transaction. This way, when the coordinator crashes and comes back up, it can continue to work on the transactions which are incomplete.


两阶段提交(2PC)在执行过程中,可能发生 coordinator 或者 participant 突然宕机的情况,同时,在不同时期的宕机可能会出现不同的情况。

Case 1 - coordinator 宕机,participant 正常

这种情况其实比较好解决,只要找一个 coordinator 的替代者。当它成为新的 coordinator 的时候,either 查看当前本地日志 or 询问 participant,它就能够知道当前事务处于哪个状态。


Coordinator Fails After sending a prepare request

Coordinator Fails After sending decision

Case 2 - participant 宕机,coordinator 正常

这种情况其实也比较好解决。如果 coordinator 宕机了。那么之后的事情有几种情况:

Participant Fails Before sending response

coordinator 会通知所有 participant rollback, 因此不会导致数据不一致的问题。

Participant Fails After sending response


  • 如果很短,可能没有任何影响(比如宕机后又恢复的 Participant 仍然收到了 commit)
  • 如果很长,可能这时候 coordinator 已经发送了 commit,但并没有被收到,此时 coordinator 就会一直的发送 commit,直到 commit 被成功接收

Participant Lost a Vote

宕机之后又恢复了,这时 participant 会询问 coordinator 目前应该进行什么操作,coordinator 就会比对自己的事务执行记录和该 participant 的事务执行记录,并告诉这个 participant 应该执行什么操作(当然也会告诉其 participant),来保持数据的一致性。

Case 3 - participant 宕机,coordinator 也宕机



coordinator 和 participant 在 voting phase 宕机了

新选出来的 coordinator 可以查看本地日志,或者询问各个 participant 的情况。

  • 如果 coordinator 还没有发送 prepare(可以从本地日志中得知),则发送 prepare 给各个 participant,并继续往下执行
  • 如果 coordinator 已经发送了 prepare(可以从本地日志中得知),但并没有收到所有 participant 的返回,则再次发送 prepare 给各个 participant,以确认 participant 的状态,并继续执行
  • 如果 coordinator 已经发送了 prepare(可以从本地日志中得知),但并没有收到部分 participant 的返回,则再次发送 prepare 给这些 participant,以确认 participant 的状态,并继续执行
  • 如果 coordinator 已经发送了 prepare(可以从本地日志中得知),且收到了所有 participant 的返回,那当然也没问题,继续执行


coordinator 和 participant 在 commit phase 宕机了

宕机了的这个 participant ,在宕机之前并没有接收到 coordinator 的指令,或者接收到指令之后,还没来的及做 commit 或者 rollback 操作。

这种情况下,当新的 coordinator 被选出来之后,它先查询本地日志,并可能询问所有的 participant 的情况。

  • 如果得知有的 participant 执行了 rollback 操作,就向 participant 发送 rollback
  • 如果得知没有任何 participant 执行 rollback 操作,而且有的 participant 执行了 commit 操作,那么就直接向其他 participant 发送 commit




  • 原理简单,易于实现
  • 该协议是一个保证强一致性的协议



The greatest disadvantage of the two-phase commit protocol is that it is a blocking protocol.

在 voting phase,如果参与者收不到协调者的 commit/fallback 指令,参与者将处于 “状态未知” 阶段,参与者完全不知道要怎么办,比如:如果所有的参与者完成第一阶段的回复后(可能全部 yes,可能全部 no,可能部分 yes 部分 no),如果协调者在这个时候挂掉了。那么所有的结点完全不知道怎么办(问别的参与者都不行)。为了一致性,要么死等协调者,要么重发第一阶段的 yes/no 命令。

coordinator 单点故障(协调者挂了整个系统就没法对外服务)

coordinator 在整个两阶段提交过程中扮演着举足轻重的作用,一旦 coordinator 宕机,那么就会影响整个分布式系统的正常运行,比如在 Voting Phase 中,如果 coordinator 因为故障不能正常发送事务提交或回滚通知给 participant(这个故障可以是 coordinator 自身的故障,或者网络的故障),或者 coordinator 还没有收到所有 participant 发来的 Yes(比如由于网络故障) ,那么 participant 们的本地事务一直未被释放(因而导致查询性能下降)。

A two-phase commit protocol cannot dependably recover from a failure of both the coordinator and a cohort member during the Commit phase.

Both the coordinator and a cohort member failed, it is possible that the failed cohort member was the first to be notified, and had actually done the commit. Even if a new coordinator is selected, it cannot confidently proceed with the operation until it has received an agreement from all cohort members, and hence must block until all cohort members respond.


两阶段提交协议虽然实现了数据的强一致性,但仍然存在数据不一致性的可能,比如在第二阶段中,假设 coordinator 发出了事务 commit 的通知,但是因为网络问题该通知仅被一部分 participant 所收到并执行了 commit 操作,其余的 participant 的本地事务则因为没有收到通知一直处于阻塞状态,这时候就产生了数据的不一致性。




The following figure illustrates a successful global transaction:

The timing diagram for failure is as follows:


Distributed databases like CockroachDB, MongoDB etc. implement two phase commit to atomically storing values across partitions

Kafka allows producing messages across multiple partitions atomically with the implementation similar to two phase commit.
