【Golang】Golang 版本管理

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2020-07-06, Last Modified on 2023-11-03

Installing multiple Go versions

You can install multiple Go versions on the same machine. For example, you might want to test your code on multiple Go versions. For a list of versions you can install this way, see the download page.

Note: To install using the method described here, you’ll need to have git installed.

To install additional Go versions, run the go install command, specifying the download location of the version you want to install. The following example illustrates with version 1.10.7:

$ go install golang.org/dl/go1.10.7@latest
$ go1.10.7 download

To run go commands with the newly-downloaded version, append the version number to the go command, as follows:

$ go1.10.7 version
go version go1.10.7 linux/amd64

When you have multiple versions installed, you can discover where each is installed, look at the version’s GOROOT value. For example, run a command such as the following:

$ go1.10.7 env GOROOT

gvm - Deprecited
