【Golang】设计模式 - Structural - Proxy/Wrappper

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2021-09-18, Last Modified on 2023-08-23

Proxy/Wrapper Pattern

Proxy Design Pattern is a structural design pattern. This pattern suggests providing an extra layer of indirection for controlled and intelligent access to the main object.

In this pattern, a new proxy class is created that implements the same interface as the main object. This lets you execute some behavior before the actual logic of the main object. Let’s understand it more with an example:

A web server such as Nginx can act as a proxy for your application server. It provides

  • Controlled access to your application server – For example, it can do rate limiting
  • Additional behavior – For example, it can do some caching

See https://swsmile.info/post/design-pattern-proxy/ for Proxy Pattern.


A web server such as Nginx can act as a proxy for your application server:

  • It provides controlled access to your application server.
  • It can do rate limiting.
  • It can do request caching.

server.go: Subject

package main

type server interface {
    handleRequest(string, string) (int, string)

nginx.go: Proxy

package main

type nginx struct {
    application       *application
    maxAllowedRequest int
    rateLimiter       map[string]int

func newNginxServer() *nginx {
    return &nginx{
        application:       &application{},
        maxAllowedRequest: 2,
        rateLimiter:       make(map[string]int),

func (n *nginx) handleRequest(url, method string) (int, string) {
    allowed := n.checkRateLimiting(url)
    if !allowed {
        return 403, "Not Allowed"
    return n.application.handleRequest(url, method)

func (n *nginx) checkRateLimiting(url string) bool {
    if n.rateLimiter[url] == 0 {
        n.rateLimiter[url] = 1
    if n.rateLimiter[url] > n.maxAllowedRequest {
        return false
    n.rateLimiter[url] = n.rateLimiter[url] + 1
    return true

application.go: Real subject

package main

type application struct {

func (a *application) handleRequest(url, method string) (int, string) {
    if url == "/app/status" && method == "GET" {
        return 200, "Ok"

    if url == "/create/user" && method == "POST" {
        return 201, "User Created"
    return 404, "Not Ok"

main.go: Client code

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    nginxServer := newNginxServer()
    appStatusURL := "/app/status"
    createuserURL := "/create/user"

    httpCode, body := nginxServer.handleRequest(appStatusURL, "GET")
    fmt.Printf("\nUrl: %s\nHttpCode: %d\nBody: %s\n", appStatusURL, httpCode, body)

    httpCode, body = nginxServer.handleRequest(appStatusURL, "GET")
    fmt.Printf("\nUrl: %s\nHttpCode: %d\nBody: %s\n", appStatusURL, httpCode, body)

    httpCode, body = nginxServer.handleRequest(appStatusURL, "GET")
    fmt.Printf("\nUrl: %s\nHttpCode: %d\nBody: %s\n", appStatusURL, httpCode, body)

    httpCode, body = nginxServer.handleRequest(createuserURL, "POST")
    fmt.Printf("\nUrl: %s\nHttpCode: %d\nBody: %s\n", appStatusURL, httpCode, body)

    httpCode, body = nginxServer.handleRequest(createuserURL, "GET")
    fmt.Printf("\nUrl: %s\nHttpCode: %d\nBody: %s\n", appStatusURL, httpCode, body)

output.txt: Execution result

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 200
Body: Ok

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 200
Body: Ok

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 403
Body: Not Allowed

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 201
Body: User Created

Url: /app/status
HttpCode: 404
Body: Not Ok
