【hugo】Add Last Edited Date to Post

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2021-09-22, Last Modified on 2022-02-19

The Manual Way

The simplest way is to record a lastmod date and time within your post’s header - like the example below:

title: My Example Post
date: 1990-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
lastmod: 1995-04-04T00:00:00+00:00
url: /example-post/

We can then use this information in our theme and layouts to display the information. In our code, we don’t show the last updated date if it’s the same as the created date (there’s no point?)

<!-- Created Date -->
{{- $pubdate := .PublishDate.Format "02.01.2006" }}
<time datetime="{{ .PublishDate }}" title="{{ .PublishDate }}">
    {{ $pubdate }}

<!-- Last Updated Date -->
{{- if .Lastmod }}
    {{- $lastmod := .Lastmod.Format "02.01.2006" }}
    {{- if ne $lastmod $pubdate }}
        <div class="post-info-last-mod">
            <time datetime="{{ .Lastmod }}" title="{{ .Lastmod }}">
                {{ $lastmod }}
    {{- end }}
{{- end }}


Created: 01.01.1990
(Updated: 04.04.1995)

The Git way

Hugo can actually hook into your git (the version control system) information and pull the last edited times from there. To enable it, just change this setting in your config.


enableGitInfo = true

This will now automatically pull in the last updated times and fill in lastmod for you - Neat!


$ hugo server --disableFastRender --enableGitInfo

It will, however, overwrite any of your manually created lastmod dates. You can choose to change this behaviour to favour your lastmod times but if they don’t exist then use git. To do this, we need to add one final part to our config changing the front matter dates:

  date = ["date", "publishDate", "lastmod"]
  lastmod = [':git', 'lastmod', 'date', 'publishDate']
  publishDate = ["publishDate", "date"]
  expiryDate = ["expiryDate"]
