BitSet类实现了一个按需增长的位向量。位Set的每一个组件都有一个boolean值。用非负的整数将BitSet的位编入索引。可以对每个编入索引的位进行测试、设置或者清除。通过逻辑与、逻辑或和逻辑异或操作,可以使用一个 BitSet修改另一个 BitSet的内容。
默认情况下,set 中所有位的初始值都是false。
每个位 set 都有一个当前大小,也就是该位 set 当前所用空间的位数。注意,这个大小与位 set 的实现有关,所以它可能随实现的不同而更改。位 set 的长度与位 set 的逻辑长度有关,并且是与实现无关而定义的。
BitSet的索引范围从 0 到 nbits-1 。
public class BitSet implements Cloneable, java.io.Serializable {
* BitSets are packed into arrays of "words." Currently a word is
* a long, which consists of 64 bits, requiring 6 address bits.
* The choice of word size is determined purely by performance concerns.
private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6;
private final static int BITS_PER_WORD = 1 << ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
private final static int BIT_INDEX_MASK = BITS_PER_WORD - 1;
/* Used to shift left or right for a partial word mask */
private static final long WORD_MASK = 0xffffffffffffffffL;
* @serialField bits long[]
* The bits in this BitSet. The ith bit is stored in bits[i/64] at
* bit position i % 64 (where bit position 0 refers to the least
* significant bit and 63 refers to the most significant bit).
private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields = {
new ObjectStreamField("bits", long[].class),
* The internal field corresponding to the serialField "bits".
private long[] words;
* Creates a new bit set. All bits are initially {@code false}.
public BitSet() {
sizeIsSticky = false;
* Creates a bit set whose initial size is large enough to explicitly
* represent bits with indices in the range {@code 0} through
* {@code nbits-1}. All bits are initially {@code false}.
* @param nbits the initial size of the bit set
* @throws NegativeArraySizeException if the specified initial size
* is negative
public BitSet(int nbits) {
// nbits can't be negative; size 0 is OK
if (nbits < 0)
throw new NegativeArraySizeException("nbits < 0: " + nbits);
sizeIsSticky = true;
- BitSet():创建一个新的位 set,默认大小是64位。
- BitSet(int nbits):创建一个位set,它的初始大小足以显式表示索引范围在 0 到 nbits-1 的位。
计算 words 的长度
在构造函数中,需要为字段 words (它本质是一个long[])分配内存空间,那 BitSet 会给它分配多大呢?
* BitSets are packed into arrays of "words." Currently a word is
* a long, which consists of 64 bits, requiring 6 address bits.
* The choice of word size is determined purely by performance concerns.
private final static int ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD = 6;
private void initWords(int nbits) {
words = new long[wordIndex(nbits-1) + 1];
* Given a bit index, return word index containing it.
private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) {
return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
words 数组的最大长度计算:(maxValue - 1) » 6 + 1
我们再来看看如何在给定一个数值时,定位到这个数值对应在 long[]中的 bit 位:
* Returns the value of the bit with the specified index. The value
* is {@code true} if the bit with the index {@code bitIndex}
* is currently set in this {@code BitSet}; otherwise, the result
* is {@code false}.
* @param bitIndex the bit index
* @return the value of the bit with the specified index
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is negative
public boolean get(int bitIndex) {
if (bitIndex < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bitIndex < 0: " + bitIndex);
int wordIndex = wordIndex(bitIndex);
return (wordIndex < wordsInUse)
&& ((words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0);
private static int wordIndex(int bitIndex) {
return bitIndex >> ADDRESS_BITS_PER_WORD;
首先,通过 currentNumber » 6 计算出位于哪一个 long(或者说long[]中的索引位置),(words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex)) != 0
等价于判断 (words[wordIndex] & (1L << bitIndex))
是否为 0。这里的含义是将 1 左移 bitIndex个位,将右移后的结果值与 words[wordIndex] 进行与运算,若为 1,则表明wordIndex的对应 flag 为 true。
- 当words为 {0} 时,表示所有 flag 均为 false。
- 当words为 {1} 时,表示 0 的 flag 为 true,其余均为 false。
- 当words为 {2} 时,表示 0 的 flag 为 true, 1 的 flag 为 true,其余均为 false。
public static void main(String[] args)
Random random=new Random();
List<Integer> list=new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++)
int randomResult=random.nextInt(100000000);
for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
BitSet bitSet=new BitSet(100000000);
for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
class BitMap {
private long maxValue;
private static int[] words;
//构造函数中传入数据中的最大值(范围为 1-最大值)
public BitMap(long maxValue) {
this.maxValue = maxValue;
// 根据长度算出,所需数组大小
words = new int[(int) ((maxValue - 1) >> 5)]; // 用移位运算代替除法,效率更高
public int getBit(long index) {
int word = words[(int) ((index - 1) >> 5)];
// (index - 1) & 31 相当于对 index-1 按 32 求余数
int offset = (int) ((index - 1) & 31);
return (word >> offset) & 0x01;
public void setBit(long index) {
// 求出该index - 1所在bitMap的下标
int wordIndex = (int) ((index - 1) >> 5);
// 求出该值的偏移量(求余)
int offset = (int) ((index - 1) & 31);
int word = words[wordIndex];
words[wordIndex] = word | (0x01 << offset);
(words[wordIndex] & (bitIndex >> 1L))
public static void main(String[] args) {
BitMap bitMap = new BitMap(32);
- Java BitSet使用场景和示例 - https://www.cnblogs.com/xujian2014/p/5491286.html
- Java 面试中常用的 BitMap 代码 - https://www.jianshu.com/p/9e7f8f33a61a