【Golang】Prepared Statements in Golang

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2023-01-15, Last Modified on 2023-05-02


What is a prepared statement?

A prepared statement is SQL that is parsed and saved by the DBMS, typically containing placeholders but with no actual parameter values. Later, the statement can be executed with a set of parameter values.

How you use prepared statements

When you expect to execute the same SQL repeatedly, you can use an sql.Stmt to prepare the SQL statement in advance, then execute it as needed.

The following example creates a prepared statement that selects a specific album from the database. DB.Prepare returns an sql.Stmt representing a prepared statement for a given SQL text. You can pass the parameters for the SQL statement to Stmt.Exec, Stmt.QueryRow, or Stmt.Query to run the statement.

// AlbumByID retrieves the specified album.
func AlbumByID(id int) (Album, error) {
    // Define a prepared statement. You'd typically define the statement
    // elsewhere and save it for use in functions such as this one.
    stmt, err := db.Prepare("SELECT * FROM album WHERE id = ?")
    if err != nil {

    var album Album

    // Execute the prepared statement, passing in an id value for the
    // parameter whose placeholder is ?
    err := stmt.QueryRow(id).Scan(&album.ID, &album.Title, &album.Artist, &album.Price, &album.Quantity)
    if err != nil {
        if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
            // Handle the case of no rows returned.
        return album, err
    return album, nil


package main

import (

	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

func main() {
	db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:123456@/task2")
	if err != nil {
	// See "Important settings" section.
	db.SetConnMaxLifetime(time.Minute * 3)

	results, _ := db.Query("select * from core_channel where name = ?", "name1")

	for results.Next() {
		var channel Channel
		// for each row, scan the result into our channel composite object
		err = results.Scan(&channel.ID, &channel.Name)
		if err != nil {
			panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
		// and then print out the channel's Name attribute

type Channel struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

Query vs Exec vs Prepare


Scenario 1 - plaintext

We should always use db.Query whenever we want to do a select and we should never ignore the returned rows of Query but iterate over it (else we’ll leak the db connection!)

Doing Query(query) will not use a prepared statement (see the wireshark capture below)

results, _ := db.Query("select * from core_channel where name = 'name1'" )
  • Notice that only 1 TCP request was sent from client to server(minus login)
  • Connection will be released automatically to the pool when the returned rows are iterated, or we can call rows.Close() explicitly when we are done.

Scenario 2 - prepared

Doing Query(queryTemplate, params) will use a prepared statement under the covers.

	results, _ := db.Query("select * from core_channel where name = ?", "name1")
  • Notice that 3 TCP requests were sent from client to server(minus login)
  • Connection will be released automatically to the pool when the returned rows are iterated, or we can call rows.Close() explicitly when we are done.

Source Code


  1. 准备prepare语句
  2. 执行prepared语句和参数
  3. 关闭prepared语句


  1. 避免通过引号组装拼接sql语句。避免sql注入带来的安全风险
  2. 可以多次执行的sql语句。
func (db *DB) queryDC(ctx, txctx context.Context, dc *driverConn, releaseConn func(error), query string, args []interface{}) (*Rows, error) {
	if ok {
		var nvdargs []driver.NamedValue
		var rowsi driver.Rows
		var err error
		withLock(dc, func() {
			rowsi, err = ctxDriverQuery(ctx, queryerCtx, queryer, query, nvdargs) // if len(args) != 0, return driver.ErrSkip. Else, directly query
		if err != driver.ErrSkip { // 不带prepared param的query
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Note: ownership of dc passes to the *Rows, to be freed
			// with releaseConn.
			rows := &Rows{
				dc:          dc,
				releaseConn: releaseConn,
				rowsi:       rowsi,
			rows.initContextClose(ctx, txctx)
			return rows, nil

  // prepared param的query
	var si driver.Stmt
	var err error
	withLock(dc, func() {
		si, err = ctxDriverPrepare(ctx, dc.ci, query) // call ci.Prepare internally
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	ds := &driverStmt{Locker: dc, si: si}
	rowsi, err := rowsiFromStatement(ctx, dc.ci, ds, args...) // call stmt.Query internally
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Note: ownership of ci passes to the *Rows, to be freed
	// with releaseConn.
	rows := &Rows{
		dc:          dc,
		releaseConn: releaseConn,
		rowsi:       rowsi,
		closeStmt:   ds,
	rows.initContextClose(ctx, txctx)
	return rows, nil


We should always use db.Exec whenever we want to do an insert or update or delete.

Scenario 1

Doing Exec(query) will not use a prepared statement, so lesser TCP calls to the SQL server

results, _ := db.Exec("INSERT INTO core_channel (name) VALUES ('name11')")
  • Notice that only 1 TCP request was sent from client to server(minus login)
  • Releases the connection automatically to the pool.

Scenario 2

Doing Exec(queryTemplate, params) will use prepared statement under the covers, so more number of TCP calls to the SQL server.

results, _ := db.Exec("INSERT INTO core_channel (name) VALUES (?)", "name11")
  • Notice that 3 TCP requests were sent from client to server(minus login)
  • Releases the connection automatically to the pool.


This should be used only when we want to prepare once at the start of the program and execute N number of times during the course of the program.

  • Notice that 2 TCP requests were sent from client to server(minus login).
  • We need to close the statement explicitly when we don’t need the prepared statement anymore. Else, we’ll fail to free up allocated resources both on the client as well as server!

Source Code

func (db *DB) PrepareContext(ctx context.Context, query string) (*Stmt, error) {
	var stmt *Stmt
	var err error
	for i := 0; i < maxBadConnRetries; i++ {
		stmt, err = db.prepare(ctx, query, cachedOrNewConn)
		if err != driver.ErrBadConn {
	if err == driver.ErrBadConn {
		return db.prepare(ctx, query, alwaysNewConn)
	return stmt, err

func (db *DB) prepare(ctx context.Context, query string, strategy connReuseStrategy) (*Stmt, error) {
	return db.prepareDC(ctx, dc, dc.releaseConn, nil, query)
