【Distributed System】Partitioning

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2022-01-29, Last Modified on 2023-10-11


The main reason for wanting to partition data is scalability. Different partitions can be placed on different nodes in a shared-nothing cluster. Thus, a large dataset can be distributed across many disks, and the query load can be distributed across many processors.

Partitioning and Replication

Partitioning is usually combined with replication so that copies of each partition are stored on multiple nodes. This means that, even though each record belongs to exactly one partition, it may still be stored on several different nodes for fault toler‐ance.

A node may store more than one partition. If a leader–follower replication model is used, the combination of partitioning and replication can look like below. Each partition’s leader is assigned to one node, and its followers are assigned to other nodes. Each node may be the leader for some partitions and a follower for other partitions.

Partitioning of Key-Value Data

Say you have a large amount of data, and you want to partition it. How do you decide which records to store on which nodes?

Our goal with partitioning is to spread the data and the query load evenly across nodes. If every node takes a fair share, then—in theory—10 nodes should be able to handle 10 times as much data and 10 times the read and write throughput of a single node (ignoring replication for now).

If the partitioning is unfair, so that some partitions have more data or queries than others, we call it skewed. The presence of skew makes partitioning much less effective. In an extreme case, all the load could end up on one partition, so 9 out of 10 nodes are idle and your bottleneck is the single busy node. A partition with disproportionately high load is called a hot spot.

The simplest approach for avoiding hot spots would be to assign records to nodes randomly. That would distribute the data quite evenly across the nodes, but it has a big disadvantage: when you’re trying to read a particular item, you have no way of knowing which node it is on, so you have to query all nodes in parallel.

Partitioning by Key Range

One way of partitioning is to assign a continuous range of keys (from some minimum to some maximum) to each partition, like the volumes of a paper encyclopedia (see above). If you know the boundaries between the ranges, you can easily determine which partition contains a given key. If you also know which partition is assigned to which node, then you can make your request directly to the appropriate node (or, in the case of the encyclopedia, pick the correct book off the shelf).

The ranges of keys are not necessarily evenly spaced, because your data may not be evenly distributed. For example, in the example above, volume 1 contains words starting with A and B, but volume 12 contains words starting with T, U, V, X, Y, and Z. Simply having one volume per two letters of the alphabet would lead to some volumes being much bigger than others. In order to distribute the data evenly, the partition boundaries need to adapt to the data.

The partition boundaries might be chosen manually by an administrator, or the database can choose them automatically. This partitioning strategy is used by Bigtable, its open source equivalent HBase, RethinkDB, and MongoDB before version 2.4.

Within each partition, we can keep keys in sorted order (e.g., “SSTables and LSM-Trees”). This has the advantage that range scans are easy, and you can treat the key as a concatenated index in order to fetch several related records in one query (e.g.,“Multi-column indexes”). For example, consider an application that stores data from a network of sensors, where the key is the timestamp of the measurement (year-month-day-hour-minute-second). Range scans are very useful in this case, because they let you easily fetch, say, all the readings from a particular month.

However, the downside of key range partitioning is that certain access patterns can lead to hot spots. If the key is a timestamp, then the partitions correspond to ranges of time—e.g., one partition per day. Unfortunately, because we write data from the sensors to the database as the measurements happen, all the writes end up going to the same partition (the one for today), so that partition can be overloaded with writes while others sit idle.

To avoid this problem in the sensor database, you need to use something other than the timestamp as the first element of the key. For example, you could prefix each timestamp with the sensor name so that the partitioning is first by sensor name and then by time. Assuming you have many sensors active at the same time, the write load will end up more evenly spread across the partitions. Now, when you want to fetch the values of multiple sensors within a time range, you need to perform a separate range query for each sensor name.

Partitioning by Hash of Key

Because of this risk of skew and hot spots, many distributed datastores use a hash function to determine the partition for a given key.

A good hash function takes skewed data and makes it uniformly distributed. Say you have a 32-bit hash function that takes a string. Whenever you give it a new string, it returns a seemingly random number between 0 and 2 32 − 1. Even if the input strings are very similar, their hashes are evenly distributed across that range of numbers.

For partitioning purposes, the hash function need not be cryptographically strong: for example, Cassandra and MongoDB use MD5, and Voldemort uses the Fowler–Noll–Vo function. Many programming languages have simple hash functions built in (as they are used for hash tables), but they may not be suitable for partitioning: for example, in Java’s Object.hashCode() and Ruby’s Object#hash, the same key may have a different hash value in different processes.

Once you have a suitable hash function for keys, you can assign each partition a range of hashes (rather than a range of keys), and every key whose hash falls within a partition’s range will be stored in that partition.


Unfortunately however, by using the hash of the key for partitioning we lose a nice property of key-range partitioning: the ability to do efficient range queries. Keys that were once adjacent are now scattered across all the partitions, so their sort order is lost. In MongoDB, if you have enabled hash-based sharding mode, any range query has to be sent to all partition. Range queries on the primary key are not supported by Riak, Couchbase, or Voldemort.

Cassandra achieves a compromise between the two partitioning strategies. A table in Cassandra can be declared with a compound primary key consisting of several columns. Only the first part of that key is hashed to determine the partition, but the other columns are used as a concatenated index for sorting the data in Cassandra’s SSTables. A query therefore cannot search for a range of values within the first column of a compound key, but if it specifies a fixed value for the first column, it can perform an efficient range scan over the other columns of the key.

Skewed Workloads and Relieving Hot Spots

As discussed, hashing a key to determine its partition can help reduce hot spots. However, it can’t avoid them entirely: in the extreme case where all reads and writes are for the same key, you still end up with all requests being routed to the same partition.

This kind of workload is perhaps unusual, but not unheard of: for example, on a social media site, a celebrity user with millions of followers may cause a storm of activity when they do something. This event can result in a large volume of writes to the same key (where the key is perhaps the user ID of the celebrity, or the ID of the action that people are commenting on). Hashing the key doesn’t help, as the hash of two identical IDs is still the same.

Today, most data systems are not able to automatically compensate for such a highly skewed workload, so it’s the responsibility of the application to reduce the skew. For example, if one key is known to be very hot, a simple technique is to add a random number to the beginning or end of the key. Just a two-digit decimal random number would split the writes to the key evenly across 100 different keys, allowing those keys to be distributed to different partitions.

However, having split the writes across different keys, any reads now have to do additional work, as they have to read the data from all 100 keys and combine it. This technique also requires additional bookkeeping: it only makes sense to append the random number for the small number of hot keys; for the vast majority of keys with low write throughput this would be unnecessary overhead. Thus, you also need some way of keeping track of which keys are being split.

Perhaps in the future, data systems will be able to automatically detect and compensate for skewed workloads; but for now, you need to think through the trade-offs for your own application.

Partitioning and Secondary Indexes

Rebalancing Partitions

Over time, things change in a database:

  • The query throughput increases, so you want to add more CPUs to handle the load.
  • The dataset size increases, so you want to add more disks and RAM to store it.
  • A machine fails, and other machines need to take over the failed machine’s responsibilities.

All of these changes call for data and requests to be moved from one node to another. The process of moving load from one node in the cluster to another is called rebalancing.

No matter which partitioning scheme is used, rebalancing is usually expected to meet some minimum requirements:

  • After rebalancing, the load (data storage, read and write requests) should be shared fairly between the nodes in the cluster.
  • While rebalancing is happening, the database should continue accepting reads and writes.
  • No more data than necessary should be moved between nodes, to make rebalancing fast and to minimize the network and disk I/O load.

Fixed number of partitions

Dynamic partitioning

Partitioning proportionally to nodes

Operations: Automatic or Manual Rebalancing

Request Routing

We have now partitioned our dataset across multiple nodes running on multiple machines. But there remains an open question: when a client wants to make a request, how does it know which node to connect to? As partitions are rebalanced, the assignment of partitions to nodes changes. Somebody needs to stay on top of those changes in order to answer the question: if I want to read or write the key “foo”, which IP address and port number do I need to connect to?

This is an instance of a more general problem called service discovery, which isn’t limited to just databases. Any piece of software that is accessible over a network has this problem, especially if it is aiming for high availability (running in a redundant configuration on multiple machines). Many companies have written their own in-house service discovery tools, and many of these have been released as open source.

On a high level, there are a few different approaches to this problem (illustrated above):

  1. Allow clients to contact any node (e.g., via a round-robin load balancer). If that node coincidentally owns the partition to which the request applies, it can handle the request directly; otherwise, it forwards the request to the appropriate node, receives the reply, and passes the reply along to the client.

  2. Send all requests from clients to a routing tier first, which determines the node that should handle each request and forwards it accordingly. This routing tier does not itself handle any requests; it only acts as a partition-aware load balancer.

  3. Require that clients be aware of the partitioning and the assignment of partitions to nodes. In this case, a client can connect directly to the appropriate node, without any intermediary.

In all cases, the key problem is: how does the component making the routing decision (which may be one of the nodes, or the routing tier, or the client) learn about changes in the assignment of partitions to nodes?

This is a challenging problem, because it is important that all participants agree—otherwise requests would be sent to the wrong nodes and not handled correctly. There are protocols for achieving consensus in a distributed system, but they are hard to implement correctly.

Many distributed data systems rely on a separate coordination service such as Zoo‐Keeper to keep track of this cluster metadata, as illustrated below. Each node registers itself in ZooKeeper, and ZooKeeper maintains the authoritative mapping of partitions to nodes. Other actors, such as the routing tier or the partitioning-aware client, can subscribe to this information in ZooKeeper. Whenever a partition changes ownership, or a node is added or removed, ZooKeeper notifies the routing tier so that it can keep its routing information up to date.

For example, LinkedIn’s Espresso uses Helix for cluster management (which in turn relies on ZooKeeper), implementing a routing tier. HBase, SolrCloud, and Kafka also use ZooKeeper to track partition assignment. MongoDB has a similar architecture, but it relies on its own config server implementation and mongos daemons as the routing tier.


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