【Docker】Container 常用命令 - network

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2022-02-12, Last Modified on 2022-02-19




$ docker port [containerId]


Create a network

The -d flag tells Docker to use the bridge driver for the new network.

Once you have prepared the overlay network prerequisites you simply choose a Docker host in the cluster and issue the following to create the network:

$ docker network create -d overlay my-multihost-network

Network names must be unique. The Docker daemon attempts to identify naming conflicts but this is not guaranteed. It is the user’s responsibility to avoid name conflicts.


To build web applications that act in concert but do so securely, create a network. Networks, by definition, provide complete isolation for containers. You can add containers to a network when you first run a container.

Launch a container running a PostgreSQL database and pass it the --net=my_bridge flag to connect it to your new network:

$ docker run -d --net=my_bridge --name db training/postgres

If you inspect your my_bridge you can see it has a container attached. You can also inspect your container to see where it is connected:

$ docker inspect --format='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks}}'  db


Now, go ahead and start your by now familiar web application. This time don’t specify a network.

$ docker run -d --name web training/webapp python app.py

Which network is your web application running under? Inspect the application to verify that it is running in the default bridge network.

$ docker inspect --format='{{json .NetworkSettings.Networks}}'  web


Then, get the IP address of your web

$ docker inspect --format='{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' web

Now, open a shell to your running db container:

$ docker container exec -it db bash

root@a205f0dd33b2:/# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
44 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 43185ms

After a bit, use CTRL-C to end the ping and notice that the ping failed. That is because the two containers are running on different networks. You can fix that. Then, use the exit command to close the container.

Docker networking allows you to attach a container to as many networks as you like. You can also attach an already running container. Go ahead and attach your running web app to the my_bridge.

$ docker network connect my_bridge web

Open a shell into the db application again and try the ping command. This time just use the container name web rather than the IP address.

$ docker container exec -it db bash

root@a205f0dd33b2:/# ping web
PING web ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from web ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.095 ms
64 bytes from web ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.060 ms
64 bytes from web ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.066 ms
--- web ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.060/0.073/0.095/0.018 ms

The ping shows it is contacting a different IP address, the address on the my_bridge which is different from its address on the bridge network.

Display Info of a specified Network

 docker network inspect [OPTIONS] NETWORK [NETWORK...]

Returns information about one or more networks. By default, this command renders all results in a JSON object.

List all networks

Lists all the networks the Engine daemon knows about. This includes the networks that span across multiple hosts in a cluster.

$ docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER          SCOPE
7fca4eb8c647        bridge              bridge          local
9f904ee27bf5        none                null            local
cf03ee007fb4        host                host            local
78b03ee04fc4        multi-host          overlay         swarm

Use the --no-trunc option to display the full network id:

Ref to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/network_ls/

Connect containers

When you start a container, use the --network flag to connect it to a network. This example adds the busybox container to the mynet network:

$ docker run -itd --network=mynet busybox

If you want to add a container to a network after the container is already running, use the docker network connect subcommand.

You can connect multiple containers to the same network. Once connected, the containers can communicate using only another container’s IP address or name. For overlay networks or custom plugins that support multi-host connectivity, containers connected to the same multi-host network but launched from different Engines can also communicate in this way.

You can disconnect a container from a network using the docker network disconnect command.

Specify the IP address a container will use on a given network

You can specify the IP address you want to be assigned to the container’s interface.

$ docker network connect --ip multi-host-network container2


Access the Host from Containers

On Linux, Docker manipulates iptables rules to provide network isolation. While this is an implementation detail and you should not modify the rules Docker inserts into your iptables policies, it does have some implications on what you need to do if you want to have your own policies in addition to those managed by Docker.

If you’re running Docker on a host that is exposed to the Internet, you will probably want to have iptables policies in place that prevent unauthorized access to containers or other services running on your host. This page describes how to achieve that, and what caveats you need to be aware of.

You may need to modify the iptables rules on your host to permit connections from Docker containers. Something like this will do the trick:

# iptables -A INPUT -i docker0 -j ACCEPT

This would permit access to any ports on the host from Docker containers. Note that:

  • iptables rules are ordered, and this rule may or may not do the right thing depending on what other rules come before it.
  • you will only be able to access host services that are either (a) listening on INADDR_ANY (aka or that are explicitly listening on the docker0 interface.

