During the 1990s, disk bandwidth, processor speed and main memory capacity were increasing at a rapid rate.
With increase in memory capacity, more items could now be cached in memory for reads. As a result, read workloads were mostly absorbed by the operating system page cache. However, disk seek times were still high due to the seek and rotational latency of physical R/W head in a spinning disk. A spinning disk needs to move to a given track and sector to write the data. In the case of random I/O, with frequent read and write operations, the movement of physical disk head becomes more than the time it takes to write the data. From the LFS paper, traditional file systems utilizing a spinning disk, spends only 5-10% of disk’s raw bandwidth whereas LFS permits about 65-75% in writing a new data (rest is for compaction). Traditional file systems write data at multiple places: the data block, recovery log and in-place updates to any metadata. The only bottleneck in file systems now, were during writes. As a result, there was a need to reduce writes and do less random I/O in file systems. LFS came with the idea that why not write everythng in a single log (even the metadata) and treat that as a single source of truth.
Log structured file systems treat your whole disk as a log. Data blocks are written to disk in an append only manner along with their metadata (inodes). Before appending them to disk, the writes are buffered in memory to reduce the overhead of disk seeks on every write. On reaching a certain size, they are then appended to disk as a segment (64kB-1MB). A segment contains data blocks containing changes to multitude of files along with their inodes. At the same time on every write, an inode map (imap) is also updated to point to the newly written inode number. The imap is also then appended to the log on every such write so it’s a just single seek away.
We’re not going too deep on LFS, but you get the idea. LSM Tree steals the idea of append only style updates in a log file and write buffering and has been adopted for use as a storage backend for a lot of write intensive key value database systems. Now that we know of their existence, let’s look at them more closely.
Log-structured merge-trees (LSM trees)
A log-structured merge-tree (LSM tree) is a data structure typically used when dealing with write-heavy workloads. The write path is optimized by only performing sequential writes.
- LSM trees are the core data structure behind many modern NoSQL Databases e.g. BigTable, Cassandra, HBase, RocksDB, and DynamoDB.
- LSM trees are used in data stores such as Apache AsterixDB, Bigtable, HBase, LevelDB, Apache Accumulo, SQLite4,[8] Tarantool,[9] RocksDB, WiredTiger,[10] Apache Cassandra, InfluxDB[11] and ScyllaDB.