【Golang】性能调优 - 性能诊断

Posted by 西维蜀黍 on 2020-09-12, Last Modified on 2021-09-21

Diagnostics solutions can be categorized into the following groups:

  • Profiling: Profiling tools analyze the complexity and costs of a Go program such as its memory usage and frequently called functions to identify the expensive sections of a Go program.
  • Tracing: Tracing is a way to instrument code to analyze latency throughout the lifecycle of a call or user request. Traces provide an overview of how much latency each component contributes to the overall latency in a system. Traces can span multiple Go processes.
  • Debugging: Debugging allows us to pause a Go program and examine its execution. Program state and flow can be verified with debugging.
  • Runtime statistics and events: Collection and analysis of runtime stats and events provides a high-level overview of the health of Go programs. Spikes/dips of metrics helps us to identify changes in throughput, utilization, and performance.


Profiling is useful for identifying expensive or frequently called sections of code. The Go runtime provides profiling data in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool. The profiling data can be collected during testing via go test or endpoints made available from the net/http/pprof package. Users need to collect the profiling data and use pprof tools to filter and visualize the top code paths.

Predefined profiles provided by the runtime/pprof package:

  • cpu: CPU profile determines where a program spends its time while actively consuming CPU cycles (as opposed to while sleeping or waiting for I/O).
  • heap: Heap profile reports memory allocation samples; used to monitor current and historical memory usage, and to check for memory leaks.
  • threadcreate: Thread creation profile reports the sections of the program that lead the creation of new OS threads.
  • goroutine: Goroutine profile reports the stack traces of all current goroutines.
  • block: Block profile shows where goroutines block waiting on synchronization primitives (including timer channels). Block profile is not enabled by default; use runtime.SetBlockProfileRate to enable it.
  • mutex: Mutex profile reports the lock contentions. When you think your CPU is not fully utilized due to a mutex contention, use this profile. Mutex profile is not enabled by default, see runtime.SetMutexProfileFraction to enable it.

Refer to https://swsmile.info/post/golang-pprof/


Tracing is a way to instrument code to analyze latency throughout the lifecycle of a chain of calls. Go provides golang.org/x/net/trace package as a minimal tracing backend per Go node and provides a minimal instrumentation library with a simple dashboard. Go also provides an execution tracer to trace the runtime events within an interval.

Tracing enables us to:

  • Instrument and analyze application latency in a Go process.
  • Measure the cost of specific calls in a long chain of calls.
  • Figure out the utilization and performance improvements. Bottlenecks are not always obvious without tracing data.

Refer to https://swsmile.info/post/golang-trace/


Debugging is the process of identifying why a program misbehaves. Debuggers allow us to understand a program’s execution flow and current state. There are several styles of debugging; this section will only focus on attaching a debugger to a program and core dump debugging.

Go users mostly use the following debuggers:

  • Delve: Delve is a debugger for the Go programming language. It has support for Go’s runtime concepts and built-in types. Delve is trying to be a fully featured reliable debugger for Go programs.
  • GDB: Go provides GDB support via the standard Go compiler and Gccgo. The stack management, threading, and runtime contain aspects that differ enough from the execution model GDB expects that they can confuse the debugger, even when the program is compiled with gccgo. Even though GDB can be used to debug Go programs, it is not ideal and may create confusion.

Runtime statistics and events

The runtime provides stats and reporting of internal events for users to diagnose performance and utilization problems at the runtime level.

Users can monitor these stats to better understand the overall health and performance of Go programs. Some frequently monitored stats and states:

  • runtime.ReadMemStats reports the metrics related to heap allocation and garbage collection. Memory stats are useful for monitoring how much memory resources a process is consuming, whether the process can utilize memory well, and to catch memory leaks.
  • debug.ReadGCStats reads statistics about garbage collection. It is useful to see how much of the resources are spent on GC pauses. It also reports a timeline of garbage collector pauses and pause time percentiles.
  • debug.Stack returns the current stack trace. Stack trace is useful to see how many goroutines are currently running, what they are doing, and whether they are blocked or not.
  • debug.WriteHeapDump suspends the execution of all goroutines and allows you to dump the heap to a file. A heap dump is a snapshot of a Go process’ memory at a given time. It contains all allocated objects as well as goroutines, finalizers, and more.
  • runtime.NumGoroutine returns the number of current goroutines. The value can be monitored to see whether enough goroutines are utilized, or to detect goroutine leaks.


// ReadMemStats populates m with memory allocator statistics.
// The returned memory allocator statistics are up to date as of the
// call to ReadMemStats. This is in contrast with a heap profile,
// which is a snapshot as of the most recently completed garbage
// collection cycle.
func ReadMemStats(m *MemStats) {
	stopTheWorld("read mem stats")

	systemstack(func() {



// NumGoroutine returns the number of goroutines that currently exist.
func NumGoroutine() int {
	return int(gcount())


// GCStats collect information about recent garbage collections.
type GCStats struct {
	LastGC         time.Time       // time of last collection
	NumGC          int64           // number of garbage collections
	PauseTotal     time.Duration   // total pause for all collections
	Pause          []time.Duration // pause history, most recent first
	PauseEnd       []time.Time     // pause end times history, most recent first
	PauseQuantiles []time.Duration

// ReadGCStats reads statistics about garbage collection into stats.
// The number of entries in the pause history is system-dependent;
// stats.Pause slice will be reused if large enough, reallocated otherwise.
// ReadGCStats may use the full capacity of the stats.Pause slice.
// If stats.PauseQuantiles is non-empty, ReadGCStats fills it with quantiles
// summarizing the distribution of pause time. For example, if
// len(stats.PauseQuantiles) is 5, it will be filled with the minimum,
// 25%, 50%, 75%, and maximum pause times.
func ReadGCStats(stats *GCStats) {...}


  • Number of OS threads created
// ThreadCreateProfile returns n, the number of records in the thread creation profile.
// If len(p) >= n, ThreadCreateProfile copies the profile into p and returns n, true.
// If len(p) < n, ThreadCreateProfile does not change p and returns n, false.
// Most clients should use the runtime/pprof package instead
// of calling ThreadCreateProfile directly.
func ThreadCreateProfile(p []StackRecord) (n int, ok bool) {...}
